Port: Bodø havn

Essential statistics, current year

  • Port calls and EPI score
  • Port calls:
    Port calls
    The total count of cruise ship visits to the port reported to EPI.
  • Average EPI score:
    Port performance score (EPI)
    A performance metric ranging from 0 (no emission reduction) to 100 (complete emission reduction). It assesses a cruise ship's emission reduction efforts during its stay at the port through operational measures.
  • Emissions
  • SOx emissions (tonnes):
    SOx emissions (tonnes)
    The cumulative amount of sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions cruise ships produces during their port calls.
  • SOx reduction (tonnes):
    SOx reduction (tonnes)
    The quantity of sulfur oxide (SOx) reduced from emissions due to operational measures adopted by the cruise ships during their port stay
  • NOx emissions (tonnes):
    NOx emissions (tonnes)
    The total nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions cruise ships generate while in port.
  • NOx reduction (tonnes):
    NOx reduction (tonnes)
    The volume of nitrogen oxide (NOx) remduced from emissions due to operational measures implemented by cruise ships during their time at the port.
  • CO2 emissions (tonnes):
    CO2 emissions (tonnes)
    The total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions cruise ships generate while in port.
  • Bodø havn

    The port of Bodø is using EPI for environmental reporting, and as a basis for economic incentive system for cruise ships.

    For further information, please visit:


    Join the network

    To join the growing network of ports benefiting from the EPI and to offer the value of EPI reporting to ships calling at your port, please get in touch.
